
Quick Pictures of China Military

Three Nuclear Warheads on An "Ancient" ICBM

Chinese Hydrogen Bomb

An HY-6 air-to-air refueler was refueling two J-8II fighters.

China has secret nuclear submarine base: Jane's

LONDON (AFP) — China is building a major underground nuclear submarine base on the southern tip of Hainan Island, defence group Jane's said Friday.
Jane's Intelligence Review, a respected defence periodical, said satellite images of the base from imagery provider DigitalGlobe were the first confirmation of its existence.
Although Beijing is displaying no overt aggression, the base could mean an increase in its strategic capability in the South China Sea and considerably further afield, Jane's analysis said.
"Jane's can confirm that the satellite pictures show that China is constructing a major underground nuclear submarine base near Sanya, on Hainan Island off its southern coast," the group said.
The Daily Telegraph, which reported the satellite images, called the base a "vast, James Bond-style edifice capable of concealing up to 20 nuclear-powered submarines, which will enable China to project its power across the region."
The British broadsheet said in an editorial that it was a sign of China's secretive side and Beijing "too often seeks to conceal its activities and becomes defensive when questioned."
Jane's said that Asian military sources had told it about the base in 2002, but the photographs provided independent verification.
The satellite images showed the harbour layout and a Type 094 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine at the base, said Jane's.
Others show three Luyang guided missile destroyers and a Jiangwei 2 guided missile frigate moored on a jetty, it said.
There are believed to be 11 tunnel openings at the base, it was reported, with each entrance, carved into the hill-side, stretching to a height of about 60 feet (18 metres). Pictures showed two of the tunnel entrances.
Another showed construction operations involving engineering and excavation barges.
The extent of construction indicates that the Sanya base could become a key future hub for the Chinese navy's aircraft carriers and other power-projection ships, Jane's said.
The Chinese navy moved its first Type 094 submarine to Sanya in December 2007, it added.
The identification of an underground submarine base and the positioning of China's most advanced sub-surface combatants at Sanya could have implications for China's control of the South China Sea and the strategically vital straits in the area, said Jane's.
"For both regional and extra-regional powers, it will be difficult to ignore that China is now building a major naval base at Sanya and may be preparing to house and protect a large proportion of its nuclear forces here and even operate them from this base," the group said.
"This development so close to the south-east Asian sea lanes so vital to the economies of Asia can only cause concern far beyond these straits."
Jane's Intelligence Review editor Christian Le Miere said: "China's nuclear and naval build-up at Sanya underlines Beijing's desire to assert tighter control over this region.
"China's increasing dependence on imported petroleum and mineral resources has contributed to an intensified Chinese concern about defending its access to vital sea lanes, particularly to its south.
"It is this concern that in large part is driving China's development of power-projection naval forces such as aircraft carriers and long-range nuclear submarines."

took place in China's Sichuan Province's earthquake

Nanjing Theater main battle equipment big show

Beijing, China, the subway picture

U.S. soldiers set foot on each other's territories will be the first military exercise (1)

July 8, 2008, the PLA Guangzhou Military Region Commander Lieutenant General Zhang Qin Sheng visited the U.S. Navy in Pearl Harbor, "Santa Fe" attack submarines (USS Santa Fe SSN 763) of the command room.

Data फॉर:U।S। General Pace Su-27 fighters to enter the cabin experience


China's latest missile in the United States in a simulated war nearly 2 million U.S. deaths

Key excerpts: DF 1 5 A at least 13,000 km range sufficient to cover the continental United States, each screen 300 to 500 million tons when the warhead of an average of 800,000 dead and 2 million were injured. If the United States 20 hit the densely populated city of 4 million tons l-equivalent of nuclear warheads, will lead to l580-2610 000 people died. Institute of International Studies of Tsinghua University Professor Li Bin in the United Kingdom "scicnccaildG10balsecur" magazine, Volume 15 l List (published in January 2007) published an article that l head for the "Search China's mobile strategic missile" In this paper, which draw on the calculation Method, introduced "Topol" ICBM wartime survival. In recent years, whenever the West squeeze on Russia's strategy, which will be test-fired "Topol" M show of force. Although the majority of such missiles deployed in silos, but its tough with the erection of a car fired three (TEL) Qunxun Linhaixueyuan in the image, still gives a strong visual impact, which become a major power that the psychological deterrence Symbols. However, the tough diplomatic posture of great power status and suggested that only the extension of the value of nuclear weapons, its meaning is of such destructive means of technology integration and application of strategy, and on the hidden, found that the chain counterattack and destroy the game. The need for mobile missile mobile launchers concept is not only a means of attack, is also the defense request. 50-60 in the 20th century, the United States and the Soviet Union both in the strongly expanding their strategic nuclear arsenals, but limited the number of warheads and delivery vehicles running a limited accuracy (circular probability error in a few kilometres from top to bottom), to the other side can only lead to mutual political , The economic center of such soft targets to combat focus, the mainstream view such as the United States of "mutually assured destruction" strategy, aimed at "Ma Ping," the Soviet Union l00 large, medium-sized cities and important industrial base. 7 O to the late 1990s, along with raising the level of guidance (circular probability error reduced to a few hundred meters from top to bottom), and the guided-missile warheads deployed on the 10,000 warheads the two sides have been enough to destroy targets more than 10 major cities in return. At this time, against the idea of fighting for change to take deprived of the nuclear counterattack ability to destroy its launch on January 1 as long as the device, even if the enemy to retain the economic strength and conventional military forces, the same can yield the government. Such as the Carter administration in l980, launched the "offset strategy", namely that the destruction of the Soviet missile silos and other hard targets, and deprived of their ability to counterattack. These ideas have been changes in the effective support of technological progress. After the 1980s, the ground resolution photo reconnaissance satellites have reached about 0.5 meters, allowing accurate positioning of individual missile silos each other: "militia" in the use of Mkl2A-missile-guided warheads, the circular error probability for the l66-meter (Later, the "peace advocates" close to 9 O m), a Soviet SS-18 V has reached 260 meters. Faced with increasingly high-precision-guided warheads, the United States and the Soviet Union the two sides of the missile silos are abnormal distress felt the pressure of survival, if we continue to expect the increase to offset the threat silos compressive strength, but also severely constrained by the cost-effectiveness, So mobile deployment was the United States and the Soviet Union the two sides put on the desktop seriously. The progressive course of the Soviet Union in part because the Soviet Union in missile-guided precision has always been resident in the wind, it started to maneuver earlier deployment. In the early 1960s, has been highway mobile SS-X a 14 "scapegoat" medium-range missiles and SS-X-l5 "Lin Segui," a public display of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The former will be a launch weight of 30 tons of missiles installed in the nickname "Iron Lady" closed the entire launch barrel, from a tracked vehicle carrying, from the kidney to the rear launch pad, launch tube to open along the vertical section. See back cover specific on the latter. However, since the early Soviet large-scale solid rocket propellant anti-vibration of the poor, in the course of motor roads to crack easily, thus endangering launch operations there is tracked chassis of the motor speed and itinerary are not ideal in INS Launch random changes in the positioning capability of the poor, leading to the circular probability of two missiles in Hong poor four kilometers from top to bottom, do not meet the requirements of actual combat, thereby rapidly Xiamaguan. After entering the 1970s, the solid fuel SS-l3 "Savage" subsequent models have improved gradually, and evolved into an intercontinental range of SS 16 and the medium-range SS a 20. Deployment are the two main highways mobility, although subject to the binding SALT negotiations, Tan Hua soon showed a trend, but also laid a mobile deployment therefore the technical basis. Until 1985, the Soviet Union began to deploy "Topol" ICBMs, to be formally enter the mobile era, as signed in l991, "the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty" (STARTl), about 290 "Topol" service. Its base from the general 9 O km, respectively, l have a four launch site, the three vehicles were equipped with 6-9 (l0O separate from the parking meters in the concrete garage). Wartime emergency situations can open the sliding roof of the garage quickly launch, or the base, the location of launch pre-investigation (usually in the forest). To January 2006, 270 animal husbandry "Topol" reservations in nine bases, including the territory of the Russian Plesetsk, under the Taji Er, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, the two were in Belarus In l996 in November to withdraw. Than "Topol" were later shown with a 24-SS "scalpel"-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles of the (Sudanese side called a Rs 22 v). From l987 to l991, serving in the Soviet Union disintegrated, the model has Beuchee special, Kostroma and the Krasnoyarsk in a rail position, the deployment of a total of 33. As the bombs in the main part of Ukraine created by the design of the South, the accessories in l991, declared that the cut-off, the remaining "scalpel" to August 2005 was forced to retire and destroy all. Parts of the United States in l979 began a comprehensive development of the "peace advocates", the Carter administration had the idea of a variety of missile deployment programme. The more mature the first is "more protective bunkers" (MPS), particularly his 30 in the Nevada desert, and I for each missile build 23 independent reinforced bunkers, connected between each of the road, so all 2 O0 a "peace To defend the "4600 will total between the bunkers to Tengnue flash, and fixed-mobile sentinel in the region, the total cost of about 80 billion U.S. dollars. But which is subject to an area of 12,800 km. But also depends on the Soviet Union to comply with treaty obligations, because the other party can now carry 10 missiles at the SSl8 the first expansion to bring 30 to 40 warheads, with Katyusha rockets the reckless way the looting of these areas. Sino-US nuclear war simulation A hypothetical: U.S. pre-emptive The main means of the United States more and more will be deployed to the Pacific region of Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines, the area usually have two to maintain cruising state, l5 minutes can be 24 "binary Ji" 2 missile launch (per Chi six warheads, a total of 288 warheads). 20 assumptions used 455,000 tons equivalent of the W88 nuclear warhead, the explosive way to attack a mountain of Henan 20 km distance between the DF lO a 5 A silo, firing distance of about 7,000 kilometers, the missile flight about 30 minutes. In addition to the destruction of silos, W88 warhead form the mushroom cloud as high as l2000 metres, 20 warheads of the radioactive dust will be pushed east-southeast, resulting in a l000-km-long narrow K-free zone, at 1.2 a 14,000 km: Outdoor staff of almost zero probability of survival ,3.2-5 .6 000 km. The scope will also be a serious radiation disease. If you use 60 W88 warheads, even to take protective measures, will also lead to 3.5 million people were killed and 7.7 million people were injured, mainly in Henan. Anhui and Jiangsu (Nanjing, the radiation will be more than 50 Rem). In the absence of any protection, the number of casualties could reach l800 million. Leave no 2: China to counter U.S. cities China's limited number of nuclear weapons, the United States can hardly pose a threat to nuclear power circle, thus to combat the city only a standard move-deterrence. DF at least a 5 A range of 13,000 km to cover the continental United States, each screen 300 to 500 million tons when the warhead of an average of 800,000 dead and 2 million were injured. If the United States 20 hit the densely populated city of 4 million tons l-equivalent of nuclear warheads, will lead to l580-2610 000 people died. Will be radioactive dust throughout the entire United States and North America drift to the east. U.S. estimate: China by the year 2015 there will be 75-100 nuclear warheads, when the King of about 93.75 million tons. Including 20 DF-5A 400-ton warhead and a 55 DF 31 A of 250,000 tons of warheads. In addition to deterrence 20 population of more than 750,000 U.S. cities, but also includes 55 million population of 25-75 medium-sized cities, the total number of casualties will be more than 50 million, accounting for 16 percent of the U.S. population. Even after a 31 A DF from all alternative DF 1 5 A, only 20 when the stack 250,000 tons of warheads, can also result l200 million (air explosion) and 600-800 million (the explosion) casualties. A certain type of road mobile missile estimate the survival of the (projected as the following articles translated from Professor Li Bin) assumption by mobile ballistic missile early-warning after the sprint to take mobile and submarine-launched missiles to the United States with the quote from 4000, attacks (the waters east of Guam ), The flight time of about l4 minutes. The mobile land-based missiles in road density of 0.17 km / km, when it reached the enemy warheads in which a circular area with a total length of roads 0.17 Ⅱ R. . l0 million tons of equivalent 2.875 km radius of destruction of warheads. Calculation indicates that if the three land-based missile car in the mountains, the road to four kilometres per hour on 2 O (semi-trailer safety speed limit), just two warheads will be destroyed l vehicles If the speed to 40 kilometers per hour (with the car Plain-speed), a 16 need 8; speed of 90 kilometers will need 40 more. Offensive to a more reasonable price for a 2-l6 l destroyed vehicles, 20 vehicles will consume 40 3 a 320 warheads. U.S. submarine-based ballistic missiles with l632-lO million tons equivalent of the W76 warheads and 384 W88 warheads (there are land-based intercontinental ballistic missile warheads 1050 w88). If the level of available technology to offset all the submarine-based ballistic missiles with the United States, the number of mobile missile from the need to at least 20 pieces of more than l20. The costs are not commitments, but do not forget that under such circumstances, after all, most of the land-based missiles will be destroyed and scattered the remaining missiles capable of producing nuclear retaliation how much power it is difficult to predict. Of course, the United States, the situation is extremely inefficient way to combat, we must strengthen our intelligence capabilities and weaken the effect of mobility. The United States via satellite found the location of the land-based missile is not difficult, but the real-time tracking capability has not been perfect. Continued need for all-weather surveillance, "the ground moving target instructions ability to" space-based synthetic aperture radar. Assumption that the land-based missile era of peace from time to time to take mobility, concealment conversion position to (slow traffic to avoid being targeted, because the higher the speed, the easier it is to be found radar. There is also no need to carry a nuclear warhead, before the war only by small vehicles In addition to the positions), while the U.S. in 1000 km of low-Earth orbit deployment of 2 l 3.5 days Ji Leida, can detect radar reflection lO-meter section. The minimum speed of 2.4 km / h goal. When observing the level of anti Ji Leida angle of less than 9.5, the target will be trees on both sides of the road block, and the distance between vehicles when the missile l0-metre-high three-tier buildings within three meters on, the level of observation satellite angle can not be less than 5 l degrees. Taken together, days Ji Leida found standard missiles on the road to the probability of less than 24 percent (more than 45 tilt in the slope of the mountains, the probability of detection is only slightly more than 25 per cent). In addition, the existence of days Ji Leida diameter of about 560 km of "Bottom-day", within the framework of this activity can not detect targets (targets because the radial velocity is too low), but satellite flying 560 kilometers only about one minute, the goal is Difficult interested in the "hole". Similarly, the objectives of the road to stop or vertical direction and the radar beam, will be temporarily evade radar detection ...... Although these opportunities continue for a short, it is often radar tracking indeed be interrupted, if other vehicles were set interference , Accurately track the satellite and missile meticulous arrangements for the road route and time, can not maintain 770 seconds was found, this missile could be hidden on car 4.3 km. At present, we must actively developing missiles of a car used in radar absorbing coating on the cover of false targets (such as disguised as a container trucks). According to calculations, the radar reflection cross-section of different objectives, for tracking the number of satellites have great access. In short, the United States, China established the destruction of all nuclear-weapon capacity is not easy, but if only to maintain the number of Chinese missiles and dozens of single motor can not bring reliable viability.

U.S. experts warned the U.S. military: Do not read small tank of China's 99

Ximeng An Chester (arms design of the U.S. Army Research and Development Committee senior adviser) that he recently published U.S. Department of Defense to comment on the internal publication "China's arms" of a report. The article in a careful objectivity expounded his point of view. This is what he used to refute the Republicans rose namn the "Chinese tanks hopeless" criticism of the report. Ximeng An Chester: The Chinese tanks of vehicles currently in the development of high-end world stage. I still adhere to my view. China is a very know how to cover up their own country. Their camouflage to cover up close. - 99 tanks are now standard equipment the PLA Army's main battle tanks. His performance and firepower characteristics are very good. Here we must first understand a few concepts. The first is the thickness of armour-piercing and wearing radio firing-range precision the difference between. M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, mainly in the desert operation in the ground combat weapons, the reason we need to pre-war and postwar Germany eager to replace them over the Rhine Steel's new RH120-L55 artillery. This is mainly artillery at an early stage of development on the basis of L44. It increases with the diameter of the body ratio. From the original 44 times to 55 times. So as to enhance a certain range. RH120-L44 armour-piercing the precise distance of 1,350 meters. Testing is usually a distance of 1,300 meters at this distance it can effectively penetrate a 90-degree angle between the vertical line of 510 mm of steel to absorb the NATO-armored target. However, from the period reached 1,800 meters, the largest armour-piercing his ability to drop to 470 mm with the Russian early-T72 main battle tanks, artillery and type 2 A46A1 maximum effective shooting range is 1,800 meters in the distance, he can penetrate 420 mm of NATO Homogeneous steel armor. But Saddam's government at the time of his equipment T72M of aiming only 800-950 metres from the largest, T72M use of fire-control system during the day bigger role for the 1,100 m distance. And the coalition forces to use the second generation of dim-light night vision systems can reach 1,800 meters. The day operations, our fire control system can provide us with effective operations 2,100 m distance. However, we and the weakness of Saddam's army are very clear in. First of all, we found that that can not be destroyed. Because we see there is no fighting. And Yi Langke is the fight can not see where there Lique. And we must reach the limits of the best 1,300 meters of this attack. Although we spent a depleted oil penetrators. Increased to 810 mm of Pojia level. But improving the penetrators and improve a comprehensive range of artillery or between a certain gap. This is the Department of the Army then hurry to replace them over the Rhine steel requirements of the main reasons for L55 artillery. Shooting is to improve the accuracy of our maximum to 1,800 meters. If we assume that the T72 can M1A1 in the 950 meters on the attack. So at this distance it even if the use of the old Russian-Ukrainian-core penetrators, can also be a 600 mm armour-piercing capability. We can at least shake the poor oil armor. But while the Chinese, they are here to do a lot of drama to cover up. First, China 99 tanks T72M1 is not a replica. It is drawn from the Ukraine T80UM main battle tank chassis. China to 125 mm tank gun Huatang Bao. 3 BBm1 is in Russia on the basis of the improvements. Such tanks and artillery precisely the same as the Russian T90 tanks Black Hawk. China also adopted a tungsten alloy penetrators. He's kinetic energy from the 2,000 m distance can forehead perforated 480 mm armored ago. China has already test a depleted oil penetrators. Its effect reached 800 mm. And if it reduced to the role from the same with us. Then it can on the forehead perforated 1,800 meters from 510 mm armor. If the use of depleted oil penetrators then in this distance, 840 mm full armor of the M1A2 main battle tanks will be armored before it forehead perforated. Development of China's dim-light system is also a second-generation technology. Range can reach 1,800 meters -2000 meters. Chinese tanks and fire-control system in the early 79-tank on the installation of a simulated ballistic computer. The 99-installing a digital ballistic computer. He should be the role of distance 2,200 meters. Therefore, China is the 99 tanks that our M1A2HAHA after the world's only can do: namely, that destroy the tanks. Japan's 90-tanks. He used the same with our early M1A1 the L44-120 mm guns. Therefore it is entirely inherited from the M1A1 all of the defects. However, they do not have depleted our oil penetrators, depleted oil and armor. So their armour-piercing capability is further restricted. China, in its after-85 II, and gradually drew from the Gulf War, casting the T72 turret Diaolan standby bomb SELF-secondary effect. So the next 90,96,98 tanks installed with the rear turret of the magazine. To avoid the above-mentioned factors. China in the 98-installed on a French technology as the source of the week the aim of an independent director system. To reach hunting - the F-fire control standards. 99-China installed a Russian technology from the "battlefield" Guardian of the passive / active defense system. And fire-control system in the form of 98, has been further strengthened. He's good performance in the armored equipment in Asia tanks. However, lower than the M1A2. The road speed and effect of high horsepower units. He was so strong mechanical power and mobility. This is China's main tank design features. China in the 85-90 age tanks and M1A1 can achieve the same effect mobile force. His main flaw lies with the Chinese people on the design of the "people" a neglected. As China deliberately low body and the pursuit of narrow turret structure. Therefore, his internal narrow space. Europeans not size. Even the Chinese people form the Asian region, is also very uncomfortable. Turret inclination angle shooting well, mainly due to technical limitations of China forging reasons, can not be achieved Rheinmetall, as the whole angle of 40-45 degrees. Reduce the defense features. The ability or lack of fire control system. Nevertheless his comprehensive overall capacity is still at the peak of Asia and the world's advanced ranks in the main battle tanks. And we can not be that China's "despicable" fooled by the national inferiority complex. Otherwise, in our war fighting phase will have a loss of the accident. But sales of tanks in China because of the car design will be greatly restricted, it is not the global pattern of weapons. Can only be suitable for the Asian region and the Southeast Asian region. China's arms exports to these areas is very cautious. So the biggest area sold to customers in Africa and the Americas. Pan-Indian origin countries. Pakistan and Thailand may soon acquire such tanks in the use of power production.

Shocked! China's Second Artillery Corps would destroy the moment of Japan's three armed services

China's Second Artillery Corps will be a matter of seconds to destroy the Japanese army, navy and air forces Chinese warships to enter as long as a suitable position in the order after the military port to Japan will launch neutron bomb, neutron bomb explosion at the same time after the Japanese navy in one second will be completely destroyed. Japanese navy officers and men all in one second will be all King's dogs to the scene. Japan will become the Chinese navy commander of the largest transport. Neutron bomb wounding not only because of damage. Japanese warships will be all the traction return to Chinese warships. To deal with the Japanese Army Air Force is the same. If the Second Artillery Corps to complete this task, the effect will be even better. Launched a computer control, while the target over the neutron bomb at the same time Japan's land, sea and air forces after the explosion in one second will be completely destroyed. Japan reported that fact is of no use. We are not fools. Rabies in Japan have denied that China has no strategic missiles and the fact that the neutron bomb, not only in China's fundamental strategic missiles and neutron bombs to kill time in the Yi Yin, which is of their Yanerdaoling Masterly just! Japan has been reported near the end, let them make Yiyin before dying in a bar. Japanese them, I was on it, team them, that is, every day , to be recognized Yiyin Japan reported the strengths. Haha Ha We all see, rabies can not be denied that Japan is China's strategic missile and the neutron bomb, can not be denied that China and Japan's nuclear strike capability, which is tantamount to recognition of China's Second Artillery Corps is a matter of seconds to destroy the ability of the Japanese military. Rabies to you on Japan Despite the Goupi you put it, to see that fool you believe a pack of lies, but I still welcome in Japan reported that the top of the paste. Haha Ha. And then left to the Japanese pig remarks: You have degraded into the Japanese nation by U.S. soldiers in Japan girls in honour of the pimp, you would rather do conquered people to act as the lackeys of the United States and they also dare not confrontation, this is your spirit? Japanese Bushido »and the Yankees have the courage to fight ah, you massacre Even if tens of millions of compatriots on the end of this «They killed you kill one of you on their 100, it is considered the spirit of Bushido. You know what today we comment on the spirit of Bushido?» Japanese Bushido spirit that everyone is selling B, pimping, When the minion. Bushido spirit of Japan said it is selling B, a synonym for pimping when running dog, and you also do not think there is ever bragging B? Japan is already a degradation of the nation, which is a fact recognized by the world. In the times we fight this war the United States and several other dozens of countries comprising the United Nations, and Japan by the United States you play a Pigunniaoliu, which also explain what » This only shows that China and Japan in the evolution of the degradation. Investigation showed that the vast majority of Japanese youth in the pursuit of material enjoyment, rather than pay for the war of 150 million, such a degradation of the nation can fight it «If the war can only be a deadend.

Chinese submarine approaching before crossing the Kitty Hawk, 12 warships

British "Daily Mail" reported that China's submarine set off at least 12 have crossed the protection of the "Kitty Hawk" aircraft carrier of the U.S. warships, it came to the surface before the arrival of the U.S. aircraft carrier to launch a torpedo or missile has a range of Within. U.S. aircraft carrier battle group and aircraft carriers by the close protection of Hu Hangjian "China exercises the U.S. Navy submarine suddenly coming out at the scene, the Pentagon embarrassed" - the British "Daily Mail" reported on the 10th of this exclusive "news", saying its gives the shock "like the Soviet Union launched the first As satellites. " U.S. media last year, I have had the submarine near the U.S. aircraft carrier, the diplomatic service, I was known as "not true." No one has been the current Sino-US military to "Daily Mail" to respond to the news. It is worth noting that the recent Western submarine strength of China's Wang Zi speculation and false rumors repeatedly Xianzhubaoduan, but the past is always a general discussion Chinese submarine force, which twice has been very specific in describing a direct threat to China's submarines, as if China's submarines and warships West "conflict may break out at any time." Chinese submarine to the U.S. military said "panic" "Daily Mail" reported that "in a recent exercise in the Pacific, the Chinese submarine suddenly appeared in an exercise at the scene and are carrying close to the 4,500 officers and men of the U.S." Kitty Hawk "aircraft carrier, which the United States military officials shocking . "The article said the incident took place in southern Japan and Taiwan, between the waters of China's submarine set off at least 12 have crossed the protection of the" Kitty Hawk "aircraft carrier of the U.S. ships. U.S. military cost of the expensive monitoring equipment can not detect the presence of the submarine. When about 160 feet in China, "Song" class diesel-electric attack submarine surfaced when it has reached the U.S. aircraft carrier to launch torpedoes or missiles within the range. The report quoted "senior NATO officials" as saying that "this incident to the U.S. Navy panic. Americans do not know, the rapid development of China's submarine force has reached a level so advanced, or has constituted such a threat . " NATO officials even an exaggeration to say that "this incident is not less than the impact of the Soviet Union who in 1957 launched the first satellite to open the space age brought about by the impact." The article said, from NATO sources said the incident forced to experience the United States and NATO to rethink its naval strategies, triggered intensive diplomatic activities. "Jane's Defense Weekly" Editor warships, the former British Royal Navy anti-submarine expert Stephen »Sanders said:" For Americans, this is definitely a warning. China seems to be to stop the United States to interfere in their backyard, especially the Taiwan issue On. " "Tracking" the Chinese submarine Yuecibupi "Daily Mail" is the middle reaches of the market against a British tabloid, to tap the Star News Kyo, lace, and repeatedly accused the court. The report said its current, this may be China, "Song" class submarines for the second time the "Kitty Hawk" into its range. U.S. "Washington Times" in November 2006, one China "Song" class submarine was in October in the Pacific Ocean to track U.S. aircraft carrier "Kitty Hawk", in the range were not found. I followed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted the argument, and noted that "Washington Times" reports not true. At present, China's military strength on the West in particular, the concerns of weapons and equipment, mainly concentrated in high-performance missiles, submarines and high-performance high-performance warplanes three aspects. These three aspects of military equipment directly related to military combat capability. As high-performance aircraft and missiles must be mobile on the ground, the West can use satellite reconnaissance to sign some of their activities. Only high-energy of the submarines, hidden in the depths of the ocean, it is difficult spying its western face. It is for this reason, Western China to track the clues are always Yuecibupi submarine, the submarine strength also seem to have become a symbol of China's military strength: very subtle, very mysterious. Federation of American Scientists said in July this year, the U.S. commercial satellites to China in Dalian filming the latest "Jin"-class strategic nuclear submarines. The organization also known as October, found 2-3 new "Jin"-class strategic nuclear submarines. These alone commercial satellite photos sold in the United States and the West has also attracted a lot of repercussions. The "NATO officials" echoed the United States "Naval Academy comment on" the winter of 2007 the magazine also published an article entitled "China's future nuclear submarine force," the article on China's submarine force much speculation. Not a single weapon would be too sensitive There is no doubt that all of these statements and information, but did not say is the export of "Chinese submarine threat" theory only. The submarine's role in actual combat in the end how much it » A naval experts accept the "Global Times" interview, said that modern warfare is a system of confrontation, not a single weapon confrontation. Decide the outcome of a war, is the comprehensive combat capability. During World War II, the German submarine's "Wolves tactics," Despite the temporary sea superiority, but because of reliance on a single submarine, the uneven development of military forces, quickly lost command of the sea. The United States and other Western countries on China's submarine is rather sensitive, a very important reason is that the hidden nature and submarine attack. Experts said that, regardless of surface warfare, space warfare or information warfare, the United States the advantages are obvious, but to deal with the submarine underwater motor on the more difficult. In recent years, coupled with the development of China's underwater relatively fast, making some Western Caomujiebing. Submarines and aircraft carriers at sea "encounter", is also technically possible, does not indicate what substantive issues. In fact, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union the two countries have had several submarine encounter experience. If the U.S. aircraft carrier sailing in the process, did not maintain full alert, or just in a state of semi-war preparedness duty, and did not meet Chinese submarine that is not not possible, but such a normal meeting but the U.S. military "shock", People are suspected of the entire news for them.

Afraid of the Chinese Navy of the United States take the initiative to open water Leizhan blocking China

This month, several U.S. Air Force B-52 strategic bombers from Guam in the Pacific coast near the central part of the training area, training of throwing a total of 162 smart mines. This is called the MK-62 torpedo, throwing the plane, will open its parachute with the slowdown fell on the surface, in the settlement to the bottom, with the induction of its own detection equipment began to work. MK-62 torpedo in accordance with the procedures set in advance, objective and independent search for goals that the threat of an attack. It is mainly used magnetic, pressure and sound sensors detect objective, which is perceived by the pressure, magnetic and vibration changes in seawater, data transmission to the computer, and then by a computer based on certain preset standards issued to the mine detonated warheads and instructions. This type of mines around it can identify a wide range of ships sailing characteristics, and based on the need to attack. MK-62 torpedo on its own portable battery-powered, allegedly carried out underwater in a few weeks of sustained fighting on standby status. As MK-62 torpedo detection method is passive, so the enemy ship and mine-clearing systems difficult to find them. As mines weapons is a passive offensive weapons, in general are the defensive side of the defensive weapons, while the U.S. army general is always strong with the strength they carry out offensive operations, therefore, the U.S. military in the Pacific near Guam on mine warfare exercise , Can not but arouse people's thinking. Whether because of the U.S. military deployed there, are absolute military superiority there, and they are to take the initiative to deploy offensive posture, the U.S. military rarely see active defense operations, that is to say, it is difficult for countries to have A sufficient threat to the U.S. military. Therefore, the U.S. military take the initiative to conduct aerial mine blockade training, much beyond people's expectations. In the new century, the United States has frequently accused the military power of China's development, often the excuse of "China threat theory" to attack China and to a large-scale development of new types of advanced weapons and equipment. In recent years, the United States in response to the rise of China as an excuse to increase the substantial adjustment in the Asia-Pacific region the U.S. military strength. They not only the most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Washington, Ohio-class nuclear submarine cruise missiles, F-22A of the fourth generation of advanced fighter planes and B-2A latest model of stealth bombers stationed in the Asia-Pacific base, the U.S. military is still around China Base for the deployment of a large number of troops, has gradually developed a siege situation against China. The U.S. military in the Pacific laid mines on the exercise, its real purpose is to deal with the Chinese Navy's new submarines. Because the U.S. will be so many new types of weapons deployed in and around the base of China, they can create the reality of China's threat, but the U.S. military also afraid of China's submarines deployed to these bases or weapons in a surprise attack, so they began to consider the key Fairways mine-laying, use mines to block the Chinese submarine attack. Within the United States, some people with ulterior motives who has been with great concentration, "delving into" against China's military modernization "to the Road", they think that if the U.S. military in China mainly through the outer harbour to prevent the deployment of mines leaving the Chinese warships and attack, it will To bring to China "nightmare." U.S. military to use mine warfare, China also is not ambiguous, Fanshuileizhan navy of the world, are a problem. Chinese Navy hunting, navy mine clearance technology has been the focus of development goals, China will absolutely not afraid of the U.S. Navy Yixiang the mine closures. Moreover, if the initiative to attack the U.S. military offensive to China's mines, the war between China and the United States, instead of the usual sense of a conventional war, it will trigger a new round of world war, a war of weapons used by both sides The limitations do not exist

Exposure shocking news: the United States against China by the Chinese spy satellite weapons attack

U.S. aerospace sector the authority of the magazine "Air & Space Technology" magazine reported that U.S. intelligence officers to the magazine revealed that the U.S. eastern time at 15:26 on June 21, the U.S. reconnaissance satellite surveillance of China's "long song Ball "(Lacrosse) II by the Chinese Exposure shocking news: the United States against China by the Chinese spy satellite weapons attackweapons" attack ", failure for 27 minutes, after the restoration of photographic reconnaissance functions

The report pointed out that this is China following the January 07 missile attack using the near-Earth orbit satellite again after the anti-satellite test. Unlike in the past is that this failure of reconnaissance satellites to the past, China is no longer repeated testing ground laser weapons, but a new, known as "space graffiti" of the non-violent paramilitary attacks. U.S. intelligence officers also disclosed that as early as in the early 1980s the United States and the former Soviet Union also conducted a similar study on the technical, but this time China has taken the lead to a "space graffiti" technology-based anti-satellite test shows that China has been taking in this regard In the forefront of the world. The so-called "space graffiti" technology is the use of high-speed operation of LEO satellites in the attack close to the enemy's reconnaissance satellites, the accurate calculation of the track to launch

Western experts say: China Direct-10 attack helicopters comparable to Apartado

PLA Army Aviation into the military has been a full 20 years, its major equipment armed helicopters, finally has a real model of domestic blood, thus putting an end to the embarrassing situation over the years. For a long time, helicopters, aviation engines, electronic equipment China's aviation industry in the "three short-board", which for years helicopters only in foreign export share of the residual cold Sunburn minor repairs on small-and a serious lack of accumulation in its own technology The independent innovation. July 1997, when the People's Liberation Army stationed in Hong Kong, China-made 12 straight -9 A first batch of armed helicopters into the air to enter. In a festive ceremony on the political, familiar with international and equipment level of China's first see a real sense of the armed helicopters, the army air equipment can not fail to lament the state of issue, because Gaixing Ji behind the international advanced level no less than 20 to 30 year. Recently, China's aviation industry launched a 10-straight and as a main battle equipment, the Army Aviation use of multi-national licensing and equipment is expected before the end of the case, the technological level of convergence has finally with the world. - The introduction of 10 straight to end the use of 000 years of the Army Aviation licensing equipment predicament, but also the development of China's armed helicopters to catch up with world-class level. Block the development of the traditional concept of operations The 1930s, the United States invented the Sikorsky helicopters available, for the war quickly, the main battlefield Qianjin rear shoulder the transportation task. 1960s during the Vietnam War, the United States organized the first major equipment helicopters, "the first air cavalry division," opened up a three-dimensional combat marine market a new era. Later, local wars and Western Europe have proved that the military exercises, helicopter gunships against the enemy's tanks are the most effective "air killer" and also the most effective direct way to support its own ground forces, the Western powers and the Soviet Union have established a large-scale army Air. Chinese Army in the mid-1980s before, but this has not arms, land-based operations also rely mainly on "Iron Jiaoban." China's introduction of the Soviet helicopters and imitation of time, in fact, not late. 1951 Soviet troops and equipment began a 4-meter helicopter (after 20 years as has been standard equipment), the Chinese will be introduced in 1955 and established the first helicopter battalion. In 1956, China also signed with the Soviet Union to introduce a 4-meter helicopter production for the information and technology contracts, and in 1958 by the Harbin Aircraft factory modeled successful, named as a straight 5. As early products were substandard until 1963 before stereotypes into mass production, to 1979 when the shutdown produced a total of 545, stand-alone cost 480,000 yuan. A five straight load of 1.2 tons, or carrying 11 heavily armed soldiers, also inside the cabin into a 212 A Beijing Jeep. But the biggest weakness of the plane is carrying a small amount, and do not have protection capability, low on the battlefield survivability. Therefore, a straight 5 of equipment the army, only to the Air Force as a transport purposes. 1962, the Soviet Union cut off technical assistance to China Airlines, China started its exploration of new helicopters. After more than 10 years to 1977 a straight six machine design stereotypes, but tests showed that the aircraft engine power shortage, poor flight safety and far behind the advanced level in the world, was forced to stop production in 1979. At the same time, developed in a straight seven heavy helicopters because of lack of funds stopped. China-made engine behind the "heart", since the Institute of Chinese fighter aircraft and helicopters has not made breakthrough progress. 1970s China with the West established a military cooperation, France helicopters were introduced into the domestic development of a straight-8 samples. In the early 1980s, a substantial reduction in domestic defense spending, a straight 8 project also Xiamaguan, 1:00 into no new models in research, production of the predicament of stereotypes. Chinese helicopters and equipment research and development seriously lagging behind in the world, of course, there are insufficient financial resources for more important operational concepts or backward, many of the leaders of rigidly adhering to the traditional infantry victory, only pure biased towards the development of aviation for the control of the air, did not fully understand the Army Aviation Support The great significance of the ground fighting, leading to the attention of the helicopter and inputs are not enough. In 1985 the Central Military Commission decided to disarmament 1000000, focusing on reducing the traditional infantry, to strengthen technical branch, has finally established the following year, army air. The beginning of the creation of Army aviation, major equipment is only with the 1950s level of five straight one helicopter and a small amount of imports, not on the battlefield in direct support of combat helicopters, but the establishment of this new branch, after all, reflects the high-level military On the concept of coordinated operations with a major progress. To fundamentally change the backward state of Army Aviation, China must be developed for the advanced level of armed helicopters. Independent research to break backward After the establishment of Army Aviation, then China's development of armed helicopters as the first priority. As domestic technology foundation is weak, insufficient military spending and long-term development of the armed forces do not allow massive arms purchases from outside, has decided to introduce the use of the French "Dolphin" civilian helicopter (AS European helicopter company in a multi-purpose light helicopter 365 N) production lines, Use of the patent law will be modified for its armed helicopters. As the plane Turboshaft more advanced, space and improve its load, tops in the original platform, "a Red Arrow 8" anti-tank missiles as a major equipment, and select Aerial Cannon, machine guns and air rockets, finally can be used as anti-tank Ground offensive purposes. According to permit the production agreement, the Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company has 50 different models of a straight 9 prototype, and to raise the helicopter Guochanhuashuai, also created a carrier-based air-to-air missiles and equipment of the aircraft, named as a straight 9W. 9 W straight a maximum takeoff weight of four tons, the largest cruise speed of 246 km, the most inclined to climb 7.8 meters per second rate, the biggest vertical climb rate of 3.5 meters per second, 664 km range, life time three hours 52 minutes, use or ~ 4200 Meters. In the performance of the civilian helicopter in the early 1980s to reach the level, but its biggest weakness is the civilian body design, positive cross sectional area, and without protective armor. This short-wing aircraft over the next linked to anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers nest, it is awe-inspiring in all directions Shaqi threatening, but it's on the battlefield survivability is very poor, only 60 of the United States at the end of the Vietnam War, the transformation of a hurry - Level. Nevertheless, China will be able to complete a straight 9 of the body and the engine of domestic and finally a real sense of the China-made helicopter gunships. The mid-1980s, in order to solve the Tibet region thin air so that ordinary helicopter stopped hanging difficult issues, China also imported from the United States has 24 "Black Hawk" helicopters, then this is also the largest one between China and the U.S. arms sales. However, Western China in 1989 after the implementation of the arms embargo, "Black Hawk" not continue to supply spare parts from the introduction of other military helicopters are also prohibited in principle, only France's generous supply of some, it was not reliable.

China's first publicly-scale army aviation units: the army has less than 500 helicopters

China news agency, Beijing, July 4 (Reporter Tao Shelan) - The youngest in the army as the principal arms, the army's air unit set up 22 years ago, has begun to take shape, have a certain combat capability, is gradually advancing from the power structure The air space of a single type to type, the main battle equipment by air transport model to a combination of attacking Yun, the operational effectiveness of support from auxiliary to the main surprise transformation. Foreign Affairs Office of the Ministry of National Defense will hold a briefing today, the General Staff of the Army Aviation Minister of Health Major-General Ma Xiang to 49 countries in 60 foreign military attache to China and on China's deputy military attache of the Army Aviation and answered in China Military attache of the question. This is the first time the People's Liberation Army to the military attache to China on the development and construction of Army Aviation. Ma Xiang said the Chinese Army Aviation is in the last century, the mid-1980s, the Chinese disarmament millions of historical background, to enhance the Army three-dimensional operations, and rapid response capability and established. By the end of 1987, the first batch of army aviation unit officially formed. End of the last century, the disarmament of 500,000 cases, the second group of army aviation units and formation of Army Aviation School. After entering the new century, 200,000 troops in streamlining the circumstances, the army aviation has been further expansion and development, is now beginning to take shape, have a certain combat capability. More than 10 existing flight units, nearly 500 helicopters. Ma Xiang said the Chinese Army Aviation in addition to undertake combat missions, the implementation of non-war military tasks such as participation in the process Weiwen, to participate in rescue, support national construction and external exchanges and cooperation, the content is also very important. In the upcoming Beijing Olympics, dozens of helicopters assume security tasks. Chinese Army Aviation also attached great importance to strengthen military exchanges and cooperation, with more than 10 countries have carried out exchanges and mutual visits, the military sent 53 students, an increase of mutual trust and understanding. (End)

PLA army aviation units available more than a dozen flight units. Photograph shows the Chengdu Military Region, army aviation regiment

J10 aircraft over the performance of major U.S. F16 fighter planes of all types

J10C fighters will have to exceed the performance of the U.S. active-duty, one of the main force F16 fighters of all models! China really the fourth / JXX generation warplanes also about to take off! U.S. forces recently Baoliao: Cheng Fei of China have developed J10 of the latest improved version - J10C fighters. The successful development of such fighters as early as the U.S. military also the expected, because of its J10 aircraft was officially make public its official, has been out with the many dozens of frontline troops. J10C equipped with more advanced radar equipment, its radar has more than J10 radar detection range and tracking at the same time with 12 goals, and which pose the greatest threat against the six objectives of the capacity. Its cockpit set up a more advanced level in China diffraction. In addition J10C addition equipped with more advanced air-to-air missile PL12 in the moment, more advanced equipment will also be the PL-13 long-range air-to-air missiles, which have an anti-missile early warning aircraft capabilities. The installation of a laser-guided pod of J10C, can launch a variety of laser-guided bombs, warplanes of a further increase in the precision strike capability. J10C and J10 in appearance with greater distinction, its use of a more mature inlet design, because the original installation of a greater engine thrust and design of six additional bone to strengthen tendons will no longer exist, replaced by a more streamlined The design. Apart from outside the inlet, J10C and J10 appearance on the biggest difference is that, J10C as F16E also like to install a similar "hump-back Falcon," the two large, Fu Youxiang. This is not surprised the United States, the United States that J10 aircraft on the success of the design in its fully digest and absorb the advantages of the F16 fighter, so J10C use and F16E similar design to increase the range of practices not surprised. J10 aircraft overall performance has exceeded F16A / B, and the performance J10C fighters over the United States will have to active duty, one of the main force F16 fighters of all models. But the United States also believes that because of the J10 aircraft engine still have to rely on the Russian side, Russia J10C can only use the AL-31FN the latest improved version of the engine. Further pointed out that the United States, J10C the successful development of China's significance lies not only J10C fighters themselves, but also in its fourth-generation fighters as China's verification of the important mission! It is learnt that, J10C use stealth coating, infrared suppression, and so many of the stealth technology, infrared radiation and to reduce radar reflection of, and the U.S. military successfully developed a fourth-generation F35 fighters, is also the first in the F16E fighters on the stealth design verification , And the launch of the Russian S-37 golden eagles warplanes also served as the same task. Therefore J10C marks the successful development of China really the fourth / JXX generation warplanes also about to take off!

China has installed a new F-10 B: as a large number of front-line fighters stationed in the Taiwan Strait

Following the Chinese mainland official on the F-open -10 fighters in a base northwest of information about the service, the PLA Air Force deployment of the adjustment caused widespread concern. Analysis of the view that the People's Liberation Army Air Force on Taiwan's strategic plan of positive change in snatch control of the Taiwan Strait. Canada, "Han and defense comments" that the PLA Air Force previously deployed in the three-fighting division is moving forward to the second-line areas, and some of the original second-line theater has also entered the first line of combat deployment against Taiwan, including the direction of the North China Air Force is changing During the Cold War, the "strategic reserve" role, and gradually in the first line of Taiwan's deployment of the layout. On the contrary, the deployment of air forces in the northwest of army operations against Taiwan into a "strategic reserve." The article said, the PLA Air Force in the process of readjustment of the three main points:

First of all, is Taiwan's southeastern region is still strong People's Liberation Army Air Force to strengthen the primary theater. -2000 Air marshals, air marshals -200, Wan -8, and other high-performance planes and electronic reconnaissance planes deployed in this region and so, here are the first batch of equipment the army Su -27 SK, Su -30 MKK fighter unit. The article also said that mainland China has an airport northeast 29 first-line maintenance hangar project. In addition, the latest trends show that the PLA is also installed in the region began annihilate -10 B. In this way, in the southeast region of the People's Liberation Army Air Force may be the best equipped army aircraft, used for frontline combat training. Secondly, the south China and north China's rapid increase in the importance of the Air Force. The article maintains that, the PLA Air Force in southern China to build a huge to-air missile positions, and supported by the astonishing force against the Soviet Union -30 MKK fighter-bombers. Analysis of the view that the PLA will only Su -30 MKK only deployed in the southeast and southern China, that their gender. In addition, the PLA also increased in the Air Force in North China's important position, be regarded as anti-US-Japan air force to interfere in the Taiwan Strait, the main combat units. Third, the PLA began to be deployed in the northwest region of the Air Force as a strategic reserve force. Given the organization's need to reserve operations against Taiwan, the region's People's Liberation Army Air Force major mainland are able to replace them over the production of the F-Series -10 fighters, coupled with the NT away from the United States and Japan and even Taiwan's military radar, surveillance of ships, More easily concealed strategic strength. The U.S. Congress an annual report that the PLA Air Force currently has about more than 700 fighter planes deployed in the region could attack Taiwan within the scope of, and the PLA's defense forces with a number of attacks, such as the deployment in the Taiwan Strait along the remote Air defense missile system. These measures are available, adequate for the protection of the People's Liberation Army in the moment of need rapidly to win air supremacy over the Taiwan Strait

NATO military alliance and tactical advisers: the People's Liberation Army training is the ultimate challenge of human

NATO military alliance and tactical advisers Officer Andreas Carlos Tevez has visited China many times the barracks, the Chinese military surprise. The PLA's training, he said: the People's Liberation Army soldiers training, it can be said is not training, but a limit to human endurance of torture. "Sing Tao Daily" Overseas Edition reported in the United States, U.S. Army soldiers, ordinary man-load 10 kg, marched three kilometers. The reason why this setting, because the U.S. general in the army during the war to 3,000 meters as the base distance. And Andreas Carlos Tevez in China to see the People's Liberation Army troops, are generally so-called China's "trump card troops", and equipment is very elite. However, the Chinese soldiers is 20 kg weight, 5 km march on foot, 10 kilograms of weight-bearing foot march of 10 kilometers. He has asked to a member of the People's Liberation Army soldiers, "this cruel devil of the training is meaningless» "But soldiers replied: in the advanced tanks and aircraft, could eventually replace the infantry for a decisive final phase of treatment. Just as Chinese soldiers are clearly the new F-type rifles, but the implementation of action shooting, is still using the old-81 rifles, guns firing this bad continuity and long distance shot in situ easy. A Chinese military officers explained that: This is because the 81 rifles for accuracy of gun training. The new rifles, then it is very difficult to tough training. Andreas Carlos Tevez also noted that the Chinese armed forces attaches great importance to the military capability of fighting were close, the U.S. military, "individuals fighting were" skills training only 1.30, seals, Eagle, and other special operations forces will be there. The Chinese army is just the opposite, even if only an ordinary battlefield laser positioning system operations soldiers, still need a high intensity military skills training. Western military officers have said that the Chinese army's rank and file, still must be so-called "courageous dedication to the country." Rather than the U.S. military, can be the enemy in the siege and under special circumstances, can lay down their arms. It is said that this directive looks very primitive, and more brutal. However, this may be the Chinese military the most feared one of the characteristics of one. China visited the barracks of a Western officer said, the Chinese army in the ordinary soldiers, military computer capacity, with the basic U.S. soldiers maintain a level of the same standard. And not the past, those media reports that Chinese soldiers are "not to write names of" wild soldiers

DH 170 Chinese Navy test-fired cruise missiles with a range of 1,500 km

Northern has a naval weapons testing base, 170 should be more than a bucket of shells, firing me could launch C-803, YJ-62 and a new type of rocket torpedoes, C-803 and YJ-62 has a range limited only within the target of several hundred kilometers A threat, such as HM major attack maritime targets not yet a real threat! 170 if we really want to become China's first marine killer, it is necessary to long-range cruise missiles and equipment, such as Tomahawk, at least a range of over 1,500 kilometers, in order to create real threat to the aircraft carrier! This is a sudden change into army fatigues 170 launchers for , That should be land-based camouflage-DH-10 pilot on the ship, DH-10 should be in the range of 1,200 ~ ~ 1,500 km around, because DH-10 when considered in the development of the three armed forces general, so little change on the ship, can be directly Test. So, our new drive is indeed a new step for sprints, while test-equipment, which also shows that 170 is not our target ship, it is impossible massive construction, real to the construction of a large number of follow-up is the goal

"Red flag-7"to defend the "Olympics

"Red flag-7" to defend the "Olympics" » Not long ago, China's domestic media had quoted the Hong Kong "Sing Tao Daily," the source said, the Beijing Olympic stadium, "nest" has already deployed near the "red flag -7"-type air defense missiles. Although not officially confirmed the final, but Agence France-Presse reported that the "9-11" After the incident, the international major sports events using the military's air-defense facilities to ensure the safety of sports facilities has been a common occurrence over. In the 2004 Athens Games, Greece has been in the military and the Olympic Village near Athens airport, the U.S. has deployed six sets of "Patriot II" missile defense system. At the same time, the Greek island of Crete is also the deployment of the Russian-made S-300 air defense missiles. This also makes the "red flag -7"-type air defense missiles to become the focus of attention. " Red flag-7"-type air defense missiles in the legal system "Cobra" missile on the basis of imitation of a all-weather, low-level, minimum-altitude air defense missiles, designed in 1988 stereotypes, and then deployed to the People's Liberation Army air defense units, their exit numbers is FM-80.

China's Qing Li Hongqi series missile build multi-storey building firepower air defense network

Taiwan's "China Times" on July 2 reported that "there are signs that not long ago the People's Liberation Army air defense missile base in the coastal suddenly the original deployment of the Russian-made S-300PMU1 and S-300PMU2 air defense missile retreat, replaced by update It has a range beyond the S-300PMU3 air defense missile. "

In addition, the "Sing Tao Daily" reports also said that not long ago, the People's Liberation Army has been deployed in key areas in the Olympic Games, "the red flag -7" anti-aircraft missiles. But not the official confirmed.

But in recent years from the People's Liberation Army's air defense capabilities development, in China over the "multi-layer anti-aircraft fire nets" has begun to take shape. Taiwan media said the mainland to deploy new air defense missile According to Taiwan's "China Times" reported that the People's Liberation Army in Xiamen, Shantou and other air defense missile base, not long ago were quietly to the original range of about 80 km and 120 km of the S-300PMU1 and S-300PMU2 air defense missiles "retreat", stationed in A group of the updated S-300PMU3 air defense missiles, because this type of missile has a range over 200 kilometers, the entire airspace over the Taiwan Strait in their control. In addition, "China Times" report also said that the People's Liberation Army in some other coastal areas has also deployed independently produced "red flag -9"-type air defense missiles, the missile has a range of 200 km, covering all operations of the Taiwan Strait. In response, Taiwan's military intelligence official said that the People's Liberation Army to deploy new air defense missiles, not against the Taiwan region. Ma Ying-jeou administration has begun to improve cross-strait relations, Taiwan's military strategy is defensive adjustments, especially the cross-strait charter flights already take place the weekend. So the PLA and the adjustment should be worried about the possible involvement of the United States and Japan next war in the Taiwan Strait is also relevant and therefore installed missiles, coupled with the earlier deployment of anti-aircraft missiles have their service period, a new type of anti-aircraft missiles after the seizure card after the deployment of homeopathy, and Not too much between the cross-strait situation. Information shows that China in the early 1990s introduced S-300 series of anti-aircraft missiles. Australia's famous air defense experts Carlo that the Pu Boshi, the many active in the People's Liberation Army air defense operations platform, the most threatening is the production by the Russian S-300PMU "thunder" series of surface-to-air system. The series of missiles of all properties in the world serving long-range air defense systems in the top. As S-300 has a range longer, if deployed in coastal mainland attack on Taiwan could even fly over the airspace of the target area, so this is an offensive with "defensive weapons."