
J10 aircraft over the performance of major U.S. F16 fighter planes of all types

J10C fighters will have to exceed the performance of the U.S. active-duty, one of the main force F16 fighters of all models! China really the fourth / JXX generation warplanes also about to take off! U.S. forces recently Baoliao: Cheng Fei of China have developed J10 of the latest improved version - J10C fighters. The successful development of such fighters as early as the U.S. military also the expected, because of its J10 aircraft was officially make public its official, has been out with the many dozens of frontline troops. J10C equipped with more advanced radar equipment, its radar has more than J10 radar detection range and tracking at the same time with 12 goals, and which pose the greatest threat against the six objectives of the capacity. Its cockpit set up a more advanced level in China diffraction. In addition J10C addition equipped with more advanced air-to-air missile PL12 in the moment, more advanced equipment will also be the PL-13 long-range air-to-air missiles, which have an anti-missile early warning aircraft capabilities. The installation of a laser-guided pod of J10C, can launch a variety of laser-guided bombs, warplanes of a further increase in the precision strike capability. J10C and J10 in appearance with greater distinction, its use of a more mature inlet design, because the original installation of a greater engine thrust and design of six additional bone to strengthen tendons will no longer exist, replaced by a more streamlined The design. Apart from outside the inlet, J10C and J10 appearance on the biggest difference is that, J10C as F16E also like to install a similar "hump-back Falcon," the two large, Fu Youxiang. This is not surprised the United States, the United States that J10 aircraft on the success of the design in its fully digest and absorb the advantages of the F16 fighter, so J10C use and F16E similar design to increase the range of practices not surprised. J10 aircraft overall performance has exceeded F16A / B, and the performance J10C fighters over the United States will have to active duty, one of the main force F16 fighters of all models. But the United States also believes that because of the J10 aircraft engine still have to rely on the Russian side, Russia J10C can only use the AL-31FN the latest improved version of the engine. Further pointed out that the United States, J10C the successful development of China's significance lies not only J10C fighters themselves, but also in its fourth-generation fighters as China's verification of the important mission! It is learnt that, J10C use stealth coating, infrared suppression, and so many of the stealth technology, infrared radiation and to reduce radar reflection of, and the U.S. military successfully developed a fourth-generation F35 fighters, is also the first in the F16E fighters on the stealth design verification , And the launch of the Russian S-37 golden eagles warplanes also served as the same task. Therefore J10C marks the successful development of China really the fourth / JXX generation warplanes also about to take off!
