
Afraid of the Chinese Navy of the United States take the initiative to open water Leizhan blocking China

This month, several U.S. Air Force B-52 strategic bombers from Guam in the Pacific coast near the central part of the training area, training of throwing a total of 162 smart mines. This is called the MK-62 torpedo, throwing the plane, will open its parachute with the slowdown fell on the surface, in the settlement to the bottom, with the induction of its own detection equipment began to work. MK-62 torpedo in accordance with the procedures set in advance, objective and independent search for goals that the threat of an attack. It is mainly used magnetic, pressure and sound sensors detect objective, which is perceived by the pressure, magnetic and vibration changes in seawater, data transmission to the computer, and then by a computer based on certain preset standards issued to the mine detonated warheads and instructions. This type of mines around it can identify a wide range of ships sailing characteristics, and based on the need to attack. MK-62 torpedo on its own portable battery-powered, allegedly carried out underwater in a few weeks of sustained fighting on standby status. As MK-62 torpedo detection method is passive, so the enemy ship and mine-clearing systems difficult to find them. As mines weapons is a passive offensive weapons, in general are the defensive side of the defensive weapons, while the U.S. army general is always strong with the strength they carry out offensive operations, therefore, the U.S. military in the Pacific near Guam on mine warfare exercise , Can not but arouse people's thinking. Whether because of the U.S. military deployed there, are absolute military superiority there, and they are to take the initiative to deploy offensive posture, the U.S. military rarely see active defense operations, that is to say, it is difficult for countries to have A sufficient threat to the U.S. military. Therefore, the U.S. military take the initiative to conduct aerial mine blockade training, much beyond people's expectations. In the new century, the United States has frequently accused the military power of China's development, often the excuse of "China threat theory" to attack China and to a large-scale development of new types of advanced weapons and equipment. In recent years, the United States in response to the rise of China as an excuse to increase the substantial adjustment in the Asia-Pacific region the U.S. military strength. They not only the most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Washington, Ohio-class nuclear submarine cruise missiles, F-22A of the fourth generation of advanced fighter planes and B-2A latest model of stealth bombers stationed in the Asia-Pacific base, the U.S. military is still around China Base for the deployment of a large number of troops, has gradually developed a siege situation against China. The U.S. military in the Pacific laid mines on the exercise, its real purpose is to deal with the Chinese Navy's new submarines. Because the U.S. will be so many new types of weapons deployed in and around the base of China, they can create the reality of China's threat, but the U.S. military also afraid of China's submarines deployed to these bases or weapons in a surprise attack, so they began to consider the key Fairways mine-laying, use mines to block the Chinese submarine attack. Within the United States, some people with ulterior motives who has been with great concentration, "delving into" against China's military modernization "to the Road", they think that if the U.S. military in China mainly through the outer harbour to prevent the deployment of mines leaving the Chinese warships and attack, it will To bring to China "nightmare." U.S. military to use mine warfare, China also is not ambiguous, Fanshuileizhan navy of the world, are a problem. Chinese Navy hunting, navy mine clearance technology has been the focus of development goals, China will absolutely not afraid of the U.S. Navy Yixiang the mine closures. Moreover, if the initiative to attack the U.S. military offensive to China's mines, the war between China and the United States, instead of the usual sense of a conventional war, it will trigger a new round of world war, a war of weapons used by both sides The limitations do not exist
