
Western experts say: China Direct-10 attack helicopters comparable to Apartado

PLA Army Aviation into the military has been a full 20 years, its major equipment armed helicopters, finally has a real model of domestic blood, thus putting an end to the embarrassing situation over the years. For a long time, helicopters, aviation engines, electronic equipment China's aviation industry in the "three short-board", which for years helicopters only in foreign export share of the residual cold Sunburn minor repairs on small-and a serious lack of accumulation in its own technology The independent innovation. July 1997, when the People's Liberation Army stationed in Hong Kong, China-made 12 straight -9 A first batch of armed helicopters into the air to enter. In a festive ceremony on the political, familiar with international and equipment level of China's first see a real sense of the armed helicopters, the army air equipment can not fail to lament the state of issue, because Gaixing Ji behind the international advanced level no less than 20 to 30 year. Recently, China's aviation industry launched a 10-straight and as a main battle equipment, the Army Aviation use of multi-national licensing and equipment is expected before the end of the case, the technological level of convergence has finally with the world. - The introduction of 10 straight to end the use of 000 years of the Army Aviation licensing equipment predicament, but also the development of China's armed helicopters to catch up with world-class level. Block the development of the traditional concept of operations The 1930s, the United States invented the Sikorsky helicopters available, for the war quickly, the main battlefield Qianjin rear shoulder the transportation task. 1960s during the Vietnam War, the United States organized the first major equipment helicopters, "the first air cavalry division," opened up a three-dimensional combat marine market a new era. Later, local wars and Western Europe have proved that the military exercises, helicopter gunships against the enemy's tanks are the most effective "air killer" and also the most effective direct way to support its own ground forces, the Western powers and the Soviet Union have established a large-scale army Air. Chinese Army in the mid-1980s before, but this has not arms, land-based operations also rely mainly on "Iron Jiaoban." China's introduction of the Soviet helicopters and imitation of time, in fact, not late. 1951 Soviet troops and equipment began a 4-meter helicopter (after 20 years as has been standard equipment), the Chinese will be introduced in 1955 and established the first helicopter battalion. In 1956, China also signed with the Soviet Union to introduce a 4-meter helicopter production for the information and technology contracts, and in 1958 by the Harbin Aircraft factory modeled successful, named as a straight 5. As early products were substandard until 1963 before stereotypes into mass production, to 1979 when the shutdown produced a total of 545, stand-alone cost 480,000 yuan. A five straight load of 1.2 tons, or carrying 11 heavily armed soldiers, also inside the cabin into a 212 A Beijing Jeep. But the biggest weakness of the plane is carrying a small amount, and do not have protection capability, low on the battlefield survivability. Therefore, a straight 5 of equipment the army, only to the Air Force as a transport purposes. 1962, the Soviet Union cut off technical assistance to China Airlines, China started its exploration of new helicopters. After more than 10 years to 1977 a straight six machine design stereotypes, but tests showed that the aircraft engine power shortage, poor flight safety and far behind the advanced level in the world, was forced to stop production in 1979. At the same time, developed in a straight seven heavy helicopters because of lack of funds stopped. China-made engine behind the "heart", since the Institute of Chinese fighter aircraft and helicopters has not made breakthrough progress. 1970s China with the West established a military cooperation, France helicopters were introduced into the domestic development of a straight-8 samples. In the early 1980s, a substantial reduction in domestic defense spending, a straight 8 project also Xiamaguan, 1:00 into no new models in research, production of the predicament of stereotypes. Chinese helicopters and equipment research and development seriously lagging behind in the world, of course, there are insufficient financial resources for more important operational concepts or backward, many of the leaders of rigidly adhering to the traditional infantry victory, only pure biased towards the development of aviation for the control of the air, did not fully understand the Army Aviation Support The great significance of the ground fighting, leading to the attention of the helicopter and inputs are not enough. In 1985 the Central Military Commission decided to disarmament 1000000, focusing on reducing the traditional infantry, to strengthen technical branch, has finally established the following year, army air. The beginning of the creation of Army aviation, major equipment is only with the 1950s level of five straight one helicopter and a small amount of imports, not on the battlefield in direct support of combat helicopters, but the establishment of this new branch, after all, reflects the high-level military On the concept of coordinated operations with a major progress. To fundamentally change the backward state of Army Aviation, China must be developed for the advanced level of armed helicopters. Independent research to break backward After the establishment of Army Aviation, then China's development of armed helicopters as the first priority. As domestic technology foundation is weak, insufficient military spending and long-term development of the armed forces do not allow massive arms purchases from outside, has decided to introduce the use of the French "Dolphin" civilian helicopter (AS European helicopter company in a multi-purpose light helicopter 365 N) production lines, Use of the patent law will be modified for its armed helicopters. As the plane Turboshaft more advanced, space and improve its load, tops in the original platform, "a Red Arrow 8" anti-tank missiles as a major equipment, and select Aerial Cannon, machine guns and air rockets, finally can be used as anti-tank Ground offensive purposes. According to permit the production agreement, the Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company has 50 different models of a straight 9 prototype, and to raise the helicopter Guochanhuashuai, also created a carrier-based air-to-air missiles and equipment of the aircraft, named as a straight 9W. 9 W straight a maximum takeoff weight of four tons, the largest cruise speed of 246 km, the most inclined to climb 7.8 meters per second rate, the biggest vertical climb rate of 3.5 meters per second, 664 km range, life time three hours 52 minutes, use or ~ 4200 Meters. In the performance of the civilian helicopter in the early 1980s to reach the level, but its biggest weakness is the civilian body design, positive cross sectional area, and without protective armor. This short-wing aircraft over the next linked to anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers nest, it is awe-inspiring in all directions Shaqi threatening, but it's on the battlefield survivability is very poor, only 60 of the United States at the end of the Vietnam War, the transformation of a hurry - Level. Nevertheless, China will be able to complete a straight 9 of the body and the engine of domestic and finally a real sense of the China-made helicopter gunships. The mid-1980s, in order to solve the Tibet region thin air so that ordinary helicopter stopped hanging difficult issues, China also imported from the United States has 24 "Black Hawk" helicopters, then this is also the largest one between China and the U.S. arms sales. However, Western China in 1989 after the implementation of the arms embargo, "Black Hawk" not continue to supply spare parts from the introduction of other military helicopters are also prohibited in principle, only France's generous supply of some, it was not reliable.
